Welcome to TM Nascar.com! Have Fun All !

53 replies [Last post]
NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010

Any questions about the title SRE
Just Ask Smile , you'll have an answer, there's always a solution

M Party

Fok Barbaaf
Fok Barbaaf's picture
Joined: Jan 31 2011
Models, skins and logos

Are there NRT-approved models, skins and logos for TMN2 yet?

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
On SRE server , nop For NRL

On SRE server , nop Smile
For NRL 2014 Official Races yes : NASCAR Smile

M Party

Fok Barbaaf
Fok Barbaaf's picture
Joined: Jan 31 2011
I think you need to clarify

I think you need to clarify that; NRL 2014 races will be on SRE, won't they? And TMN1 skins don't seem to work on TMN2, SRE or plain.

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
NRL 2014 on an SRE Event

NRL 2014 on an SRE Event Server
If we have time we will make Skins for all
If not, there's a little process to adapt skins ( by remname files in zip ) Wink

M Party

NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Hi Baaf,due to the delays of

Hi Baaf,

due to the delays of MP3 (custom CPs and some more features) we ran a little into time issues..., though it will just work out Smile

During the next days we'll port your Nascar model to TM², you'll take just the Diffuse.dds out of your old zip, rename it to SkinDiffuse.dds and add it to the new zip.

There might be a quick version without crash model and in March an update, this depends on how the details will work. Blender => Maniaplanet works, but is not the first choice Party

2014 Stickers we'll post here in the forum together with the model.

S Cool

Moofo's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Hi Guys, Can you give some

At Wits End

Hi Guys,

Can you give some advice to this noob plse.

Where do i save the SRE update?



NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Hey Moofo, did you read

Hey Moofo,

did you read http://cms.tm-nascar.com/title/TM2_Title_Install_en.pdf ?

Step 2: Move SRE.Title.Pack.Gbx to My Documents/Maniaplanet/Packs

Should be the same on all systems.

S Cool

Moofo's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Hi Suma, Thanks for help. I

Hi Suma,

Thanks for help.

I saved SRE to My Documents/Maniaplanet/Packs.

Now when i log onto the game i get the following error msge

"The Title 'SRE' by tm-nascar is not installed into a station"

Any advice?


NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
That's Step 3 from

That's Step 3 from http://cms.tm-nascar.com/title/TM2_Title_Install_en.pdf :
double-click an empty pane, (there are even screenshots Wink )

Step 4: Click "CHOOSE"

Step 5: Click on the STADIUM RE case

Step 6: Click "OK"

Start SRE,


and join NRL Nascar Racing Evolution 60K

and HF Smile

S Cool

Moofo's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Thanks Suma, Sorted.

Thanks Suma,



Moofo's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Hi Suma, Spoke too soon

Hi Suma,

Spoke too soon mate.

All instructions followed but i cant get access.

I click to join the server, but after 20 secs or so im kicked back out to the menu.

Where am i going wrong?


NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
very weird, the only time we

very weird, the only time we had something like this was when somebody had an old version of SRE and the server loaded a track with new blocks from the latest release. Then people w/o these blocks get kicked, though you can't have an old version atm...

Please try it again and if you have some seconds note which track it is.

You could also look into My Documents/ManiaPlanet/LogCrash if there is a file with today's date, but as long as ManiaPlanet doesn't crash I have low hope to find there some infos.


[edit:] Do you have updates in Maniaplanet activated? Nadeo did some changes, this could be the reason.

S Cool

okiedokie's picture
Joined: Mar 1 2012
good job

It's working.
Applause Applause Applause

Moofo's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Hi Suma, Tried to install

Hi Suma,

Tried to install again but same scenario.

I am ok up to the server (i can see who is playing etc)
when i click 'join' nothing happens - it takes about 30 secs them i am returned to the main menu.

Grateful for any suggestions


NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Moofo, try "Auto-update at

Moofo, try "Auto-update at internet connection" in your PeerToPeer settings. An old Maniaplanet version is really the only thing I can imagine now.

See http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Configure#Peer_to_peer

S Cool

NRT Mister Herby
NRT Mister Herby's picture
Joined: Apr 12 2011
Hi guys,

Hi guys,

good work did your NRT of guys. Laughing out loud

And some wanted even a stadium Chase race.

NRL moving from TMUF after ManiaPlanet is work enough.

Well done NRT guys,

makes fun on SRE to race. Smile

Go on so it makes fun in the NRL to race. Party Party

Herby Cool

Moofo's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Hi Suma, Ticked the auto

Hi Suma,

Ticked the auto update box but still the same.


NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Start Maniaplanet, after

Start Maniaplanet, after login before entering a title you see on the top right of the screen "Build: SOME_DATE". This I need.

2nd I need your latest log file. I PM you for the email.

S Cool

Jamelgo's picture
Joined: Jan 4 2012
Congratulations for the SRE

Congratulations for the SRE Pack: it works great!

But right now I think it would be good to know how to make compatible car models. I know you're working on it, but I am responsible for several cars of my team and I would like to have an alternative plan.

Specifically I would like to know which files should be renamed and which should be deleted. In a standard car we have:

- details.dds
- DetailsDirty.dds
- diffuse.dds
- diffuseDirty.dds
- Icon.dds
- illum.dds
- ProjShad.dds

- MainBody.Solid.Gbx
- MainBodyHigh.Solid.Gbx

- readme.txt

- EngineFast.ogg
- EngineIdle.ogg
- EngineLow.ogg
- EngineMid.ogg
- EngineRev.ogg
- EngineRev2.ogg

Thanks in advance!

NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
TY Jamelgo for your kind

TY Jamelgo for your kind words Smile

The engine thing nobody here sorted out yet, but we have an engine from one of the latest ManiaPark cars, which sounds with a little fantasy like a Nascar Party

In other words: If anybody has some experience with sounds and wants to get a NRL hero: http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?t=17419 (search "-> 3. Custom Car Sound")

Regarding skins: I hope our model is ready until Thursday. You can prepare your skins on the TMU model, everything will be 100% compatible. I'll provide the rename informations together with the upload.

S Cool

opa-goofy's picture
Joined: Feb 10 2014
Hello to all. I'm only since

Hello to all. I'm only since today.
I read this tutorial and installed the pack. A route I have built. I wanted the track to test on my server but unfortunately it does not work. Is there a way I can test the tracks on my server?

Greeting opa-goofy

NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Welcome opa-goofy,first the

Welcome opa-goofy,

first the title pack must be uploaded to UserData/Packs.

Your Run_MyServer.sh requires "/title=SRE@tm-nascar" to know it has to use a title pack. It's the only thing different than on a normal TM2 server.

Your server will be able now to run any normal Stadium track as well as SRE tracks.




ManiaPlanetServer /Title=SRE@tm-nascar
/dedicated_cfg=DedicatedCfgFile /game_settings=MatchSettingsFile

S Cool

opa-goofy's picture
Joined: Feb 10 2014
Hi Suma thanks for the quick

Hi Suma
thanks for the quick reply. I have changed the entry accordingly and now it is running. thumbs up
May I continue to communicate to my friends at NOC and BW?
Greeting opa-goofy

Fok Barbaaf
Fok Barbaaf's picture
Joined: Jan 31 2011
I haven't tried using the TMU

I haven't tried using the TMU sounds but I found a set of sounds for a V8 for TMN2, from a GC10 fro carpark, maybe it's better than the one you have? http://ryushare.com/04rimhd522ja/Engine.rar

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the welcome suggestion Fok BarBaaf. Sorry it took so long to reply.

I have had a listen this afternoon with the original GC-10 model from Maniapark on a test oval I have in game. I think it is not really the right for us. There are too many exhaust pops and the engine revs are more small European V8 block than big US block.

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

Fok Barbaaf
Fok Barbaaf's picture
Joined: Jan 31 2011
You're welcome! The sound of

You're welcome! The sound of the new car is fine, very good!

How about a (sticky) topic with the resources for customizing your car? Like the blank cars, .psd's for the skin, including the 2014 logo's and decals etc.? I could make a small tutorial how to customize a car in Photoshop then.

NRT Middenrat
NRT Middenrat's picture
Joined: Feb 15 2011
Sounds Good

I like the suggestion Barbaaf, go ahead and take the lead in NRL Driver's Forum with a new Thread including a short descriptive title.
Admin can then Sticky it.

Mid Hypnotized

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
That sounds good to me Baaf.

That sounds good to me Baaf. If you are willing to do the tutorials, I will support your efforts. Feel free to pm me with any questions. I will prepare a skin template file so you can see what there is to work with as soon as I can. Then I will prepare the others which need a little more work as and when I have time. The thread will have to stay in the NRL forum and not the Public area.

It may also save a little work to refer people to existing tutorials on Maniapark (or borrow relevant content from them).

The only other thing to consider is not everyone has access to Photoshop. So if anyone can create GIMP tutorials as well this would be great.

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

NRT Lahren
NRT Lahren's picture
Joined: Oct 23 2011
will buy tm 2 tomorrow, with

will buy tm 2 tomorrow, with luck can race this weekend again with u guys

NRT Lahren
NRT Lahren's picture
Joined: Oct 23 2011
now it is friday and i

now it is friday and i brought the game from amz, i downloed it and they give me a key to have full access, becasue now i run the game in demo mode, where i need to writte my gamekey to gain full access

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
Hello lahren, click profile

Hello lahren, click profile and then enter a key (bottom button on left above back)

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

NRT Lahren
NRT Lahren's picture
Joined: Oct 23 2011
problem solved

problem solved

opa-goofy's picture
Joined: Feb 10 2014
Frage zum letzten Update

hallo, das letzte Update hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Guter Job
Allerdings habe ich ein Problem mit den Blocks aus der Island Serie. Ich habe, denke ich, alles versucht mit den Island Blocks einen 180° Turn einer Steilkurve zu bauen und bin kläglich gescheitert. Was mache ich falsch?

Würde mich über Hilfe freuen.

Gruß Goofy

Eine Google Übersetzung für den Fall das es doch in enlisch sein muß.
hello, the last update has exceeded my expectations. good Job
However, I have a problem with the block from the Iceland series. I have, I think, tries to work with Iceland blocks to build anything a 180 ° turn a steep curve and I failed miserably. What am I doing wrong?
Would be happy about help.
Greeting opa-goofy

NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
TY Goofy, I guess you talk

TY Goofy,

I guess you talk about the 45° turns. Use 3x + or - to rotate the blocks in 15° steps.

Earlier or later you will also build 45° and 135° turns. Then you need to know that we have transitions which are "native" for 90° connections (which are normal in the 90° grid) and others for 45° (diagonal). If you rotate these blocks again normally with mouse clicks you "jump back" to the normal rotation and find the postion for which the block was made for.

The reason is that diagonal blocks must have a different length. Of course you can "block mix", but the flickering which it causes is not necessary.


Nimm + & - um die 45° Kurvenblöcke in 15°-Schritten zu drehen.

Die Übergänge gibt es in verschiedenen Versionen, mit Mausklick Drehung findet man ihre natürliche Position. Der Grund ist dass Diagonalen im rechteckigen Raster eine andere Länge haben.

S Cool

opa-goofy's picture
Joined: Feb 10 2014
Danke, Problem gelöst

Danke Suma
die Info mit dem drehen via + und - hat mir gefehlt jetzt ist alles klar.
So kommt man zu einem Ergebnis beim bauen.
Wenn Interesse an den erbauten Strecken besteht? Wohin kann ich die senden?

Gruß Goofy

NRT Suma
NRT Suma's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
nice Goofy Tracks are very

nice Goofy Smile

Tracks are very welcome, please send them to nrltracks [at] live [dot] fr

S Cool

NRT Jennyfur886
NRT Jennyfur886's picture
Joined: Mar 24 2013
dameon failure on the email

maybe i can't attach .gbx

have put a new (island style) track on dropbox


motor35's picture
Joined: Feb 21 2016
My question is, is it

My question is, is it possible for tracks to make the camera from the cockpit, I can throw the idea how to do it ?

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
yes it is, i've seen it done

yes it is, i've seen it done before in TMUF and TM2 but not sure how. something to do with recording the media tracker and fixing the camera position. there's an F1 team that use that view for their championship events so it may be worth picking their brains. I think they are called [UF1R].

the drawback of a fixed camera - if a player happens to use a custom model with a dashboard e.g. saloon car, sometimes it isn't possible to see anything other than the dashboard if the model creator got the cockpit cam position wrong.

the benefit - it's a nice view and a different difficult but fun challenge, especially on a very short twisty track with lots of chicanes and u-bends.

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

Seperio's picture
Joined: Feb 3 2017
Hey guys ! Where is the

Hey guys !
Where is the temporary leaderboard of the 2k17 season ? Confused

Is it possible to update a temporary leaderboard after every event ?

It's just a suggestion Glasses Big smile

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Hey Sep, Unfortunately, we

Hey Sep,

Unfortunately, we have no leaderboards done for 2017.
We are really sorry !

I promise to have leaderboards for NRL 2018.
And updated after every event.

M Party

Seperio's picture
Joined: Feb 3 2017
ok thank you for the reply I

ok thank you for the reply
I think that it will motivate some players ^^

Does the server NRT Stadium closed ?

Seperio's picture
Joined: Feb 3 2017
Sign Pack NRL ?

(Sorry didn't find the NRL 2018 subject ^^ )

Hey guys, I wanted to know if there was a Sign Pack for the NRL ?

If yes can I get it and use it ?

I ask it because I'm gonna use them in the future for the intro of my Rebroadcasts of the competition

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Hey Sep Oh Great NRL 2018 is

Hey Sep

Oh Great

NRL 2018 is created Smile

There is no sign pack, but I can get all signs you want.
I send you an email Sep Wink

M Party

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
SRE Island server record bug

Hi guys, I was playing on the Island server tonight with a couple of other guys. I noticed that if you set a new record on the last lap it isn't recorded. Is this a server control issue or an MP4 update issue? either way, while the tracks are enjoyable that was the only fly in the ointment. that and the inability to donate my ill-gotten planet gains from buying more titles in the steam sale.

It's great to have Island back (and favourites in stadium at least to bookmark it in)

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Happy too It's a

Happy too Smile

It's a controller issue.
When Maniacontrol was created. It's saved records at end of round, not lap by lap.
I asked the creator to make it possible.
But the setting excludes the last lap to be recorded.

I just posted in maniaplanet forum for this problem.

M Party

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
thanks bro

thanks bro Smile

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

NRT Mr Spock
NRT Mr Spock's picture
Joined: Jul 28 2013
problem with mp4

i check again maniaplanet, i delete old install inkl the folder, after reinstall mp4 he did me corrupted install, pls reinstall. i try it for 4 times but doesnt run. i aktuall direct x and net.framework but nothing do for start mp4 . why .. my pc amd athlon x2 3ghz dualcore
pl,s help

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
Use Installations files from

Use Installations files from your player page Wink


M Party

NRT Mr Spock
NRT Mr Spock's picture
Joined: Jul 28 2013

i dont can enyoi the player page maniaplanet 4 /tell me: login invalid. damn i think since last updates they have changed many things...
i read a little bit forum.. and i see im not the first with this problem

NRT Mr Spock
NRT Mr Spock's picture
Joined: Jul 28 2013
and if will not work is not a

and if will not work is not a problem for me.. still play tmu.. Wink
i have time and can wait

NRT Martelprod
NRT Martelprod's picture
Joined: Dec 28 2010
ok Bru, FUN is everywhere in

ok Bru, FUN is everywhere in TM Party

M Party

NRT AntiKytherA
NRT AntiKytherA's picture
Joined: Feb 2 2014
Spock, was it you that had

Spock, was it you that had your login details compromised last year? just wondering if you have the right password for it because I recall an NRT player having to get a maniaplanet account reset by Nadeo last year after someone else managed to get into it

NRL Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TMNRL
TrackMania United Forever Garage - https://bit.ly/2TLOT3D
ManiaPlanet Garage - https://bit.ly/3rJmMyN

User login

SRE Titlepack Update

Last version of SRE : 24.1.2020 Size: 196 MB
Or automatic update in game
